" Wędrówka Małej Chmurki” - the story of an Indian boy - Auchan

” Wędrówka Małej Chmurki” – the story of an Indian boy


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On Saturday, June 10th, we invite children to a puppet theatre show entitled “” Wędrówka Małej Chmurki”. This is another event in our gallery from the series ” Rodzinne soboty z teatrzykiem “. The performance is free and will be performed twice – at 13 and 16.

Children love theatrical performances because they provide them with a lot of positive emotions and stimulate their imagination. These are wise and thrilling encounters with art appreciated by parents and guardians.

The youngest, who will sit in front of our theatre stage on June 10th, will learn about the Mexican legend about the adventures of an Indian boy named Mała Chmurka. The hero, in order to prepare himself to replace his father, who is an Indian chief in the future, sets off on a journey to the prairie. During the trip, he will encounter many interesting adventures.

A show for children ” Wędrówka Małej Chmurki”   will take place on June 10th at 13 and 16.

Free entrance.

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