We solve scientific puzzles and mysteries - Auchan

We solve scientific puzzles and mysteries

from 16.03 to 16.03

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Port Rumia invites you to the next episode of the educational series “Academy of the Little Explorer”. On Saturday, March 16th, there will be plenty of attractions for lovers of scientific puzzles and experiments. Classes will last from 12.00 to 17.00. Free entrance.

Is it magic or fascinating laws of science? This question has been with us for centuries. During the next meeting in “Academy of the Little Explorer” series, participants will learn the scientific explanations of many fascinating phenomena. Workshops and scientific experiments will help them acquire knowledge.

By taking part in classes, little explorers will discover that under the influence of chemical reactions, objects can change their colours and shapes, glow and even gain magical properties. During the workshops, children, under the supervision of instructors, will change the colours of flowers, make things and liquids glow, write messages in disappearing ink, discover that fruits can explode and make polymer wonders. It will be an opportunity to combine dreams with science.

The next meeting as part of “Little Explorer Academy” will take place on April 20. Then participants will learn how a sundial, a crane, a compass work and check whether a car with square wheels can move.

Meeting entitled “The Magician’s Laboratory” from the “Academy of the Little Explorer” series will be held on March 16th at Port Rumia, Auchan Shopping Centre at 108 Grunwaldzka Street in Rumia.

Free entrance.

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