Riddles and deduction in „Akademia małego odkrywcy” - Auchan

Riddles and deduction in „Akademia małego odkrywcy”


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The last meeting of the educational series „Akademia małego odkrywcy”is ahead of us, during which children will learn the fascinating secrets of science.

On Saturday, June 17th, the youngest, like famous detectives, will collect traces and discover secrets. They will learn the work of a detective, the power of deduction and learn how to read ciphers.

Little detectives will be thrilled by workshops during which they will learn how to create secret messages, prepare and read ciphers, make disappearing inscriptions and take fingerprints. While having fun, you will be able to learn a lot about the power of the human mind and the properties of chemical substances.

The detective fun will last from 12.00 to 17.00.

Participation in the meeting is free.

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