"Little Explorer's Academy" invites you! - Auchan

“Little Explorer’s Academy” invites you!

from 18.01 to 15.03

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Embark with us on a journey to the fascinating world of science! From January, we invite you to take part in a new edition of your favourite classes from the series entitled “Little Explorer’s Academy”. There are plenty of attractions for lovers of scientific puzzles and experiments. The laboratory for the whole family is waiting all year long!

We have divided this year’s series into three series, which will allow participants to admire different fields of science.

The first series entitled “Technologies yesterday and today” will start in January. During monthly meetings, children will learn scientific curiosities and acquire new, everyday useful skills under the supervision of instructors. Participants of the classes will enter the world of robots and learn the basics of their programming, try their hand at retro games known from the 1990s, and see how modern technologies and robots can be used in designing objects or drawing.

Here is the schedule of the “Little Explorer Academy” meetings as part of the technology series:

  • January 18th “New Technologies”
  • February 15th “Retro Gaming”
  • March 15th “Creative Robots”

“Little Explorer Academy” meetings are held from 12:00 to 17:00 in the passage of our Shopping Centre. Free admission.

We invite you to join us in the fun in the world of science!

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