Learn first aid - Auchan

Learn first aid

from 03.03 to 11.03

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Knowing the rules of first aid can come in handy at any time. Therefore, it is worth organizing your knowledge and acquiring the necessary skills. The nearest opportunity for this will be a meeting with the PCK Wejherowo Rescue Group, which will take place on March 3rd  and 4th  and March 10th  and 11th  in our Centre.

During the shows, rescuers will demonstrate how to behave when someone around us needs help. You will be able to see and learn how to properly stop a haemorrhage, how to proceed when the other person has stopped circulating and breathing, or put the patient in a safe position while waiting for medical help. You will be able to organize your knowledge and gain practical skills. For the youngest there are colouring books and puzzles, thanks to which they will also learn the rules of first aid.

In addition, at the stand of the Polish Red Cross Rescue Group, it will be possible to measure blood pressure, which is an important element of health prevention.

During the meeting, you will also be able to make a donation to the Rescue Group. The collected funds will be used to organize an Easter meeting for needy children from the Wejherowo region.

The point of PCK Wejherowo Rescue Group will be open:

  •      on Fridays March 3rd and 10 from 14.00 to 20.00.
  •      on Saturdays, March 4th and 11, from 10.00 to 12.00 20.00.

Participation in first aid shows and workshops is free of charge. We encourage you to participate in the shows and workshops and support the activities of the PCK Wejherowo Rescue Group!

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