Help the youngest who need a home. - Auchan

Help the youngest who need a home.


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There are many children in Poland who need a peaceful and safe home where they will be cared for and cared for. Such places are created by foster families, of which there are still not enough.

If you would like to learn how to become a foster parent, we invite you to the Educational Fair in our Shopping Centre on June 3rd.

At one of the stands, you will be able to meet the employees of the Local Family Support Centre in Wejherowo and get all the information about foster parenthood. Specialists will tell you what responsibilities foster care involves and what kind of support you can count on from the Local Family Support Centre at the start and on a daily basis when caring for children.

The stand of the local Family Assistance Centre will be open from 12.00 to 17.00.

We encourage you to visit this place.

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