Children's bicycle competition - Auchan

Children’s bicycle competition


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We encourage all little cycling enthusiasts to participate in the joyful competitions that we organize together with the editorial office of Dziennik Bałtycki!

This Saturday, June 24th, the parking lot in front of our Shopping Centre will turn into a bicycle racing track. We are waiting for registration until Wednesday, June 21st until 23.59. If you are interested, please fill out the form available at the link

Children from 3 to 7 years old can take part in the sports competition. It doesn’t matter if the toddler is a master of two wheels or is just starting his adventure with a bicycle. Children’s Cycling competitions are for everyone. There are no losers in this race! Each little cyclist receives a diploma and a medal, as well as a commemorative photo.

The little ones will stand on the starting line on Saturday, June 24th in the parking lot in front of our shopping mall. Starting numbers for each child will be issued at 10.00, and the youngest age groups will set off on the route at 11.00.

Young cyclists and young cyclists will ride on distances adapted to their age:

  •      born in 2020 and 2019 (3 and 4 years old) – 40 meters.
  •      born in 2018 and 2017 (5 and 6 years old) – 60 meters.
  •      born in 2016 (7 years old) – 80 meters.


The condition for participation in the competition is to register your child in advance. There will be no registration on the day of the competition.

  •      Participation in the competition is free.
  •      Registration takes place until Wednesday, June 21st until midnight or when the limit of places is exhausted.
  •      Children start in fives according to age category and gender, the youngest participants go first in the competition, first girls, then boys
  •      The competition will take place in Port Rumia, in the parking lot in front of CH Auchan (Rumia, ul. Grunwaldzka 108)
  •      Remember to arrive at the start early enough. Numbers will be issued from 10.00, and at 11.00 the youngest three-year-olds will start.
  •      Each child participating in the competition must wear a properly worn helmet. This is a safety element without which the child will not be allowed to compete.
  •      A child can have any bike (without power assist)
  •      The parent may appear on the starting line with the child, but his presence must not affect the result of the competition.

We invite you to join the fun!

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