Chemistry in the kitchen during „Akademii małego odkrywcy” in Port Rumia - Auchan

Chemistry in the kitchen during „Akademii małego odkrywcy” in Port Rumia


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Learning and having fun can be combined. The participants of the next meeting in „Akademia małego odkrywcy” series, which will take place on Saturday, February 18th at Port Rumia, will find out for themselves. This time, young science enthusiasts will find out how many laws of chemistry and physics can be found every day in the home kitchen. You will be able to take part in exciting activities from 12.00 to 17.00. Free entrance.

This Saturday, February 18th, Port Rumia Auchan Shopping Centre invites children and parents to another free meeting in „Akademii małego odkrywcy” series. This time, the participants will witness chemical „Kuchenne rewolucje”.They will see that by using ingredients that we can find in cupboards and drawers of the home kitchen on a daily basis, we can learn about the chemical properties of many substances.

During the joint scientific fun, the little participants will find out whether it is possible to turn tea into the so-liked cola, whether it is possible to paint on milk and how to grow crystals. Children will also be able to find answers to the questions: why are there holes in yellow cheese, fire does not go out and whether water can flow upwards. Under the supervision of instructors, they will also perform interesting experiments, as a result of which a volcano and polymer pasta will be created. There will be plenty of fun and a solid dose of learning!

For those thirsty for knowledge, there are more meetings from „Akademii małego odkrywcy” series. On March 18th, you will be able to learn about the mysterious phenomenon of the egg and water.

meeting „Kuchenne rewolucje” will take place on February 18th at Port Rumia Auchan Shopping Centre at 108 Grunwaldzka Street in Rumia from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free entrance.

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