“Akademia Małego Odkrywcy" is launched - Auchan

“Akademia Małego Odkrywcy” is launched


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Learning through play for the whole family, all year round! This is how you can briefly describe our new series of free events entitled “Akademia Małego Odkrywcy”. On January 21st, the first meeting will take place, during which children will learn about the many ways of communicating.

“Akademia Małego Odkrywcy” is a new series of educational meetings for the whole family. During them, children will be able to learn about scientific issues in various fields in an accessible and attractive way.

In January, children will explore the secrets of communication. People have always dreamed of remote communication. During the meeting on “Masz Wiadomość” participants will learn different methods – through words, gestures, texts, images and sounds. They will learn about modern and traditional technologies. You will be able to send a message through a letter written on a clay tablet, ciphers, flag codes, a cord phone, sympathetic ink or smoke signs. It will be scientific and fun at the same time.
In the coming months, as part of “Akademia Małego Odkrywcy” series, meetings will be held entitled:

  •      “Kuchenne Rewolucje” February 18th
  •      “Fenomeny jajka i wody” March 18th

For the first meeting on ” Masz Wiadomość ” is on January 21st  from 10am to 5pm. Participation in the events is free.