" Akademia małego Odkrywcy " invites you to explore the world together - Auchan

” Akademia małego Odkrywcy ” invites you to explore the world together


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Learning through play for the whole family and all year round! This is how you can briefly describe our series of free events entitled ” Akademia małego Odkrywcy “. It is a series of educational meetings for the whole family, during which you can learn about scientific issues in various fields of science.

The next meeting in “Akademia małego Odkrywcy ” series, which will take place on Saturday, April 15th, will be devoted to ecology, and its participants will find out that everyone can become an eco-hero.

While having fun together, children will learn how to take care of the environment on a daily basis. Scientific experiments will allow young participants to understand what renewable energy is and how to obtain electricity from wind, sun or salt water. A demonstration of a model of a hydrogen-powered car will be a real attraction. Young participants of the meeting will also see what a filter tower looks like, which allows you to clean dirty water.

One of the parts of the Saturday meeting will be devoted to the important topic of recycling. To recover valuable secondary raw materials, it is worth starting with proper waste segregation. In order to consolidate its rules and remember what kind of waste we throw into individual bins; children will play a game – it will be an ecological twister.

Little explorers will also find out that we can give some used items a “second life” by turning them into completely new things – bags, jewellery and even musical instruments. During the meeting, children will also be able to plant plants, which they will then take home and watch their growth.

In the coming months, as part of “Akademia Małego Odkrywcy” series, the following events will take place:

  •      May 20th „ Wytwórnia kolorów “
  •      June 17th „ Mały detektyw “

Meetings from “Akademia Małego Odkrywcy ” series are held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participation in the events is free.

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