Akademia Małego Odkrywcy invites you - Auchan

Akademia Małego Odkrywcy invites you


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In one months it’s Easter, i.e. the time when egg dishes will reign on our tables. This element of the Christmas menu will be the subject of the next meeting in the ” Akademia Małego Odkrywcy ” series, which will take place on March 18th  in our Shopping Centre. Young participants will learn physical and chemical curiosities about eggs and water.

During the meeting on „Fenomen jajka i wody” will not lack interesting experiences that will show the surprising properties of well-known products. Together with the instructors, the children will learn how to distinguish a raw egg from a boiled one, whether an egg is durable, and you can stand on it, and what connects it with skating. Participants will also learn about the many surprising properties of water, such as how trees provide water to the highest branch and whether water can be used as glue. There will be plenty of fun and a solid dose of learning!

For those thirsty for knowledge, the next meetings from  “Akademia Małego Odkrywcy” series are waiting for you:

  •      April 15th „Zostań ekobohaterem”
  •      May 20th „Wytwórnia kolorów”
  •      June 17th „Mały detektyw”

We invite you to discover the fascinating world of science!

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