A series of free workshops for seniors - Auchan

A series of free workshops for seniors

from 27.01 to 27.01

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We are starting another edition of free creative workshops for seniors! On selected Saturdays from January to June, and then from September to December, we invite you to classes for adults who enjoy creative activities.

Participating in creative workshops is an opportunity for seniors to meet people with similar interests and make unique objects and decorations. The first classes in this year’s series will take place on Saturday, January 27th. We invite you from 12.00 to 17.00.

Carnival is getting closer, so the date of the first creative classes will be related to the mask – an element associated by many cultures with a time of carefree fun. Participants of the “Active and creative senior” meeting will be able to create a three-dimensional painting on the wall. The basis for the work will be a paper-mâché mask, which participants will decorate using paints, glitters, feathers and other decorative materials. Everyone will be able to do it according to their own ideas and sense of aesthetics. Thanks to this, unique items will be created that will work well as a gift for a loved one or as an element of interior design.

The next classes in “Creative Senior” series will be held:

  • February 24th – Winter landscapes
  • March 23rd – Easter decorations made of wooden sticks

We encourage you to participate!

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